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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Drug Free is the Key

This is the theme for Drug Free week, this week October 29th-November 2nd.  Drug Free Week is the largest drug prevention campaign that is celebrated across the country. It is a campaign that serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children, through a commitment to drug prevention and education and a personal commitment to live drug free lives, with the ultimate goal, being the creation of drug free America.

By being a prevention partner Howard Elementary and many other surrounding schools sets activities throughout this week in order to grasp the attention of our students by making it fun with a positive message for all sorts of drug situations. All week long we will be celebrating with school spirit, making each day unique;

  • Monday- I'm too Bright for Drugs...wear bright colors
  • Tuesday- Sock it to Drugs...wear crazy socks
  • Wednesday- Say BOO to Drugs...wear a Halloween shirt(no costumes)
  • Thursday- Wear RED
  • Friday- Put a Cap on Drugs...wear your favorite hat
Stand up and take a pledge with your children!

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