
This website was created to give Howard parents access to Howard PTO and events at Howard Elementary.
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Box Top Labels

This program is the best invention to turn those weekly shopping trips into money for your school!! Just look for the Box Top logo on hundreds of items, clip them out and send them in to your classroom teacher. Each Box Top is worth $.10 for our school.

Even when your online, you can still help our school by joining Box Tops online.  When you join Box Tops not only will you be able to track our schools progress and our goal earnings but how we compare to other schools in our area.

You can also shop through Box Tops Market Place. Box Tops Market Place has partnered with many of your favorite retailers to provide our school with 3, 6, and even 12% of your purchase. Barnes & Noble even has their very own Reading Room to make it easier for you to purchase books for your child and earn money for Howard Elementary at the same time.

We are conducting a fabulous contest with quarterly rewards. At the end of each three month period, the class (1 from each grade level) that cut and collected the most Box Tops Labels will win a POPCORN PARTY!! After the popcorn party the counts will start over for the next quarter. In May we will tally the totals for the entire school year and the class that cut and collected the most (for the whole year) will win a PIZZA PARTY!!

You can keep up with our entire total by the thermometer on the left of this page or with each individual class on posters located in the cafeteria.

Don't delay start clipping today!!