
This website was created to give Howard parents access to Howard PTO and events at Howard Elementary.
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Fall Fest Totals

Sorry for the delay we are just now getting the final tally in. Here are the totals from our Fall Fest, Silent Auction, Bake Sale/Walk and Penny Drive

Drum roll Please..................

  • Penny Drive: $2343.85
  • Supper, auction, cake walk, inflatables, face paint: $3589.00

And we even received an anonymous donation;

  • Donation toward cafeteria tables: $1000.00

Which brings our total to $6,932.85 


Way to go Howard Parents!!!

A HUGE Thank You to every one that came out to support us that night and volunteered! Another Thank You to those that cleaned out their change jars and purses, the kids were hilarious to watch running up and down the halls "bombing" buckets. Pics of that are coming soon ;-)

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!!

Lots of Luck for Black Friday shopping!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Box Top Contest Winners

WOW!! what a great year so for on the box tops. Thank you parents for getting them in as fast as you cut them!!

Take a look at our total on the thermometer to the right....we still have a ways to go but we have come so far. It looks like we will be able to make our goal with no problem.

Just a quick tip on collecting box tops you can ask your family, friends and neighbors to help you collect, especially those without children. I myself asked for help on a Facebook post and you would not believe how many I collected that way. So don't hesitate to ask and be sure to keep your eye out for the products with bonus labels.

So here it is the WINNERS for this years 1st BoX Top Popcorn Parties;

  • Kindergarten-Mrs. Robins
  • First Grade-Mrs. Kane
  • Second Grade-Mrs. Kunce
  • Third Grade-Mrs. Gammon
  • Fourth Grade-Mrs. Hudson
CONGRATULATIONS to all our winners!!

Just a Few Reminders

Just a few more days and we will all be together at Howard celebrating how wonderful we really are!!

Be sure to come hungry H.G. Hills is whipping up some delicious spaghetti for us to chow down on. Don't forget to let them know how much we appreciate their generosity when you go in to shop at their store.

Fall Festival is also a great night for early holiday shopping. The baskets that are being put together would sure brighten someone's Christmas on your list, maybe even 3 or 4.

Penny Wars began yesterday!! Don't forget all buckets will be open for donations and there will be no negative counting, every cent will add to the grand total.

And if you haven't already GO VOTE today is the day!!


Friday, November 2, 2012

Penny Wars

Penny Wars is a great and fun way to raise money for our school. And to get rid of all that change weighing down your purse and pockets ;-) It has become a tradition around our house to "hunt" pennies the week a "war" is on. This year Penny Wars will be held November 5th-9th

Here's how it works;
  • Each penny = 1 point
  • Silver coins and dollars = -1 point (they subtract from the class total)
  • Every class has their own bucket
Each morning between 7:30-8:00, during the week of Penny Wars, the students who have money for the Wars, are allowed to go to other classes and "bomb" their buckets with silver coins and/or dollars. On Friday morning the class with the most points wins the Penny War.

Though there is one catch; Each classroom's bucket will be out during our Fall Festival (Thursday, November 8th) and every coin or dollar dropped in the buckets, on that night only, counts as pennies. So if you drop in a dollar it will = 100 points for that class. But this is only during our fall festival!

ALL of the money collected will stay with Howard Elementary to help with our school needs!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall Festival

Howard Elementary's annual Fall Festival and Silent Auction will be held on Thursday, November 8th at 5pm. Every year Howard uses this event to raise funds for our school which means every dime that is collected stays with in Howard Elementary School to serve for Howard Elementary School programs.

Food for the Fall Festival super is donated by H.G. Hills Grocery Store.

Our silent auction contains many items such as themed gift baskets that are provided by each classroom from every grade. Themes such as Snowmen, Coffee and Chocolates, Books and Disney provided by our Kindergarten families, are just a few to mention.

Local companies and small businesses have also donated gift certificates and gift cards for various items and/or services.

The PTO also puts together a cake walk with delicious goodies from local bakeries.

There will also be a fun activity for children of all ages....bounce houses and slides located inside our gym

Our talented 2nd and 4rd graders will also be starring in a music program.

Howard Elementary Fall Festival makes a great family night and a wonderful opportunity to associate yourself with other Howard families.

Hope to see you there!!