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Friday, November 23, 2012

Fall Fest Totals

Sorry for the delay we are just now getting the final tally in. Here are the totals from our Fall Fest, Silent Auction, Bake Sale/Walk and Penny Drive

Drum roll Please..................

  • Penny Drive: $2343.85
  • Supper, auction, cake walk, inflatables, face paint: $3589.00

And we even received an anonymous donation;

  • Donation toward cafeteria tables: $1000.00

Which brings our total to $6,932.85 


Way to go Howard Parents!!!

A HUGE Thank You to every one that came out to support us that night and volunteered! Another Thank You to those that cleaned out their change jars and purses, the kids were hilarious to watch running up and down the halls "bombing" buckets. Pics of that are coming soon ;-)

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!!

Lots of Luck for Black Friday shopping!!

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