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Friday, November 2, 2012

Penny Wars

Penny Wars is a great and fun way to raise money for our school. And to get rid of all that change weighing down your purse and pockets ;-) It has become a tradition around our house to "hunt" pennies the week a "war" is on. This year Penny Wars will be held November 5th-9th

Here's how it works;
  • Each penny = 1 point
  • Silver coins and dollars = -1 point (they subtract from the class total)
  • Every class has their own bucket
Each morning between 7:30-8:00, during the week of Penny Wars, the students who have money for the Wars, are allowed to go to other classes and "bomb" their buckets with silver coins and/or dollars. On Friday morning the class with the most points wins the Penny War.

Though there is one catch; Each classroom's bucket will be out during our Fall Festival (Thursday, November 8th) and every coin or dollar dropped in the buckets, on that night only, counts as pennies. So if you drop in a dollar it will = 100 points for that class. But this is only during our fall festival!

ALL of the money collected will stay with Howard Elementary to help with our school needs!!

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