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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Box Top Contest Winners

WOW!! what a great year so for on the box tops. Thank you parents for getting them in as fast as you cut them!!

Take a look at our total on the thermometer to the right....we still have a ways to go but we have come so far. It looks like we will be able to make our goal with no problem.

Just a quick tip on collecting box tops you can ask your family, friends and neighbors to help you collect, especially those without children. I myself asked for help on a Facebook post and you would not believe how many I collected that way. So don't hesitate to ask and be sure to keep your eye out for the products with bonus labels.

So here it is the WINNERS for this years 1st BoX Top Popcorn Parties;

  • Kindergarten-Mrs. Robins
  • First Grade-Mrs. Kane
  • Second Grade-Mrs. Kunce
  • Third Grade-Mrs. Gammon
  • Fourth Grade-Mrs. Hudson
CONGRATULATIONS to all our winners!!

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